“It’s a good question. And that’s not to say if there’s another Wii Music, Mario wouldn’t make an appearance. If we get more people to understand what’s going on in the game concept, then he might appear in the game. I don’t know. But, mostly, Mario is really action-oriented. In most of his games, it’s about the player’s actions on the screen or the player being able to experience the actions of Mario. He doesn’t seem to fit that role of a musician for us right now. With the Mii characters that players create to represent themselves appearing in different games– again, like Mario does–I thought that idea of using Miis was a good fit. And so the user could feel that they were there playing the music…. And there’s a lot of potential still in Wii Music, I think. Because we’re going to change it up, a new interface is coming, and all of that.”

Maybe adding Mario to the Wii Music sequel would help it or not making a Wii music would help too.