Coming from a CNET interview:

“In building the best game, we didn’t want to take resources away from building on the other platforms. There will be no Wii U version this year.” – Jason Argent, senior vice president of sports operations for 2K Sports

I am going to take down the cloak of non-biasedism and be honest. This is a really dumb reason. I guess I would understand, a little, if 2K14 was just coming to the PS4 and Xbox One. That makes some sense in having to take time to tweak the engine for the Wii U, but that is still a lazy answer. That isn’t the case here. 2K14 is coming to the 360 and PS3. What is keeping it from porting over to the Wii U? It would be the same game with just a little GamePad support like player stats.
