Nintendo is changing the names of the Facebook Pages for their flagship console devices.  The new names will take effect later this month changing the ‘Nintendo 3DS’ page to ‘Nintendo Handheld Gaming’ and the ‘Nintendo Wii’ & ‘Nintendo Wii U’ pages will be merged into the ‘Nintendo Console Gaming Page’.  This may not make much sense to many of Nintendo’s fans but it is actually a pretty smart move.

With the recent announcement and pending release of Nintendo’s newest handheld redesign, the 2DS, the Nintendo Handheld Gaming Facebook page will not only use the success of the 3DS to help advertise the 2DS on Facebook but also prevent Nintendo from having to create a new Facebook page for the 2DS.  This could be the same reason why Nintendo is combining the Wii and Wii U Facebook pages.  The Wii is undoubtedly reaching the end of it’s console cycle and the Wii U is in desperate need of some publicity.  Combining the Facebook pages for these two home consoles would allow for Nintendo to market and advertise the Wii U to the already massive following they have built up with the Wii.

Will this strange renaming of Facebook pages work to Nintendo’s benefit? Nintendo fans will have to wait and see but it could potentially help the Wii U get some visibility with those who got into gaming with a Nintendo Wii and may even convince some to make the jump over to the Wii U.

3ds rebrand


Wii rebrand


Wii U rebrand