According to the Wii U should not be counted out yet and that there could be some significant titles headed to the console soon, maybe as soon as this holiday season.  CVG is still trying to gather more information from their sources before they spill any specific details about this news.  The site has essentially likened the 3DS struggle and comeback to the Wii U’s current situation.

Which brings me to the Wii U. Regulars at CVG might be aware that I talk down the console’s chances in the most definitive language possible whenever asked. Well, from the things I’m hearing, there’s a chance I’ll soon be added to the reject bin of crazy talking twitter twonks pretty soon.

Hopefully, if we obtain further details from our sources, we’ll be in a position to explain more to you soon. But, for now, put it this way: In the past two years there have been moments of disquiet regarding the 3DS and – like an instant magic trick – Nintendo has put an end to this with sudden reveals of significant games that went on to become star performers at Christmas.