Have you checked out Unepic yet?  The new Wii U eShop release is proving quite popular, and you can look forward to an upcoming Pure Nintendo double review to see why.

While playing the game for review, the only real complaints I’ve had are a lack of a zoom option (while playing on the television) and an unfortunate save glitch I ran into.  In true indie nature though, the games creator has acted quickly – not only has he been talking with me at length about my concerns, but a forthcoming patch will address both these issues!  Depending on when you read this, the patch may already be in place.  Concerning the rare, but more pressing, save game glitch, Francisco Tellez de Meneses has shared some information on Miiverse, and expounded on it with Pure Nintendo …

“I found the source of the problem of losing the saved game when giving a quest back. When it is given back the game is saved but, if an autosave is being done at the same second there is a conflict and the file can be corrupted.

Of course this is already fixed and won’t happen in the next version.  There is a way to prevent this.  When giving a quest back, wait 3 seconds before pressing the action button to talk to the quest giver in order to prevent a rare but critical glitch”.

Thanks to Fran for sharing this information with Pure Nintendo, and quickly fixing the only real shortcomings in an otherwise fun game!  And stay tuned for the PN double review, coming soon.