Kool Wii Concept Controller
18 years ago

Kool Wii Concept Controller

By  •  Wii

Title says it all, fan made and awsome.

Fitness Association Endorses Wii!
18 years ago

Fitness Association Endorses Wii!

By  •  Wii

A press release from The International Sports Sciences Association, has praisedNintendo Wii for Getting couch potatoes all over the world out of their seat and into the action.

“I …
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Japanese VC Games coming to the US?
18 years ago

Japanese VC Games coming to the US?

By  • 

George Harrison, in a recent interview with Chris Kohler, spoke on the possibility of Japan-only titles coming to the US VC.  There is a possibility of translations to these …
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Rumor: Legend of Kage (NES) VC

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Rumors are running rampant no the Nintendo forums about Legend of Kage coming to the Wii Virtual Console.  Gonintendo has a good summary of the game on their site.  Looks …
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Miyamoto Interview
18 years ago

Miyamoto Interview

By  •  Wii

This interview with Mr. Miyamoto himself is full of his philosophies on games and how he got into gaming in the first place. He also touches on his and …
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My Sims for Wii/DS Features

By  •  Wii

 CVG has a good feature list for the upcoming My Sims game for Wii.  Here’s the rundown:

  • You start off in a rundown town, and must fix up your …
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