Target Getting Wii Shipments
18 years ago

Target Getting Wii Shipments

By  •  Wii

Target is stockpiling some more Wii systems for this upcoming Sunday (Feb. 11). Could be 10 or more systems at each store.

Let’s hope they have some Wiimotes too.

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Wii Tii Shirt
18 years ago

Wii Tii Shirt

By  •  Wii

Here’s a pretty cool Tii shirt with a dissected Wiimote on the front. Definitely thinking about getting this one.

Source: Wire and Twine

Wiimote Charger on its way
18 years ago

Wiimote Charger on its way

By  •  Wii

Wiimote chargers are in development and one is about to be released in Japan. A company called Thanko (funny name) has developed a charger for release this month in …
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Zorro Comes to Wii
18 years ago

Zorro Comes to Wii

By  •  Wii

Zorro is on his way to the Wii. He will be exclusively slicing and dicing on the Wii. Not many details were provided, but the game is being developed …
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New TMNT Info
18 years ago

New TMNT Info

By  •  Wii

Ubisoft Europe has revealed more information about the upcoming TMNT game for the Wii. Looks pretty sweet! Hopefully it builds upon the great gameplay of the classic games.

In …
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SSX: Meet the Racers
18 years ago

SSX: Meet the Racers

By  •  Wii

IGN has an article about all the characters in the upcoming Wii release: SSX Blur. It profiles all the characters and gives some more information about what makes each …
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