Scheduled for release this week, Pure Nintendo took some time to learn more about Cube Creator 3D from Big John Games …

PN: Recently there have been several Minecraft inspired titles announced for Nintendo platforms.  What are some aspects that will make Cube Creator 3D stand out from the competition?

The randomly generated environments are more sharp and colorful; the dynamic lighting system helps the landscape textures to stand out. Fundamentally, Cube Creator 3D offers a more traditional style of crafting, with a broader range of gameplay styles.

CC3D_mountain_vista_1_1PN: Would you say this is the most ambitious title Big John Games has worked on?  What led up to the decision to tackle this type of release?

It’s one of the most ambitious, certainly, from a technical sense. The strengths of the 3DS made it appealing to bring over a voxel-based game. There was also some forum chatter indicating players wanted a voxel-based game on the 3DS platform. The ability to share images with the Miiverse also helped to influence the decision.

CC3D_cave_2_1PN: When crafting a game of this scope, what are some of the most challenging aspects to get it just right?

There are a lot of facets to developing gameplay conceptually. Some games can be developed to just drop in the art, and it’s finished. Cube Creator 3D development involved several systems and engines. There is also the 3DS storage limitation. We feel we did our best to create a seemingly endless world by means of four different, expansive environments. One environment in Cube Creator 3D can hold up to 3.5 million blocks.

CubeCreator3D_Eiffel_tower_1_1PN: With 3D in the title, it’s clear that stereoscopic 3D effects will be key to the experience.  How much do the 3D abilities of the Nintendo 3DS add to a game like Cube Creator 3D?

Not only will the players’ creations be in 3D, they can share their creations in 3D with other players via the Miiverse. Also, with regard to the 3DS layout, the touchscreen interface for inventory and crafting is kept completely separate from the gameplay screen allowing for a clutter-free Cube Creator 3D playing experience.  Circle Pad Pro and Nintendo 3DS XL C-Stick support offered unique platform controls we wanted to take advantage of.

PN: Let’s talk of the demo you released on the eShop.  Do you feel it was beneficial in raising anticipation for Cube Creator 3D?

Yes, there have been over 260,000 downloads of the free demo from the Nintendo 3DS eShop. The interest is certainly there. We also made it so players can import their saved environments & creations from the demo into the full game.

CC3D_cave_entrance_1PN: What types of feedback have you been getting from players who downloaded the demo?

Some players have mentioned wanting different control options, which we’ve addressed in the full version of the game. Others have asked about the price, hoping it’ll be less than the $10 price of other games, which we have also addressed by offering it for $4.99 right away. We’re also planning on releasing updates to optimize the Cube Creator 3D experience, so we’ll continue to collect feedback from players.

CC3D_bear_attack_1PN: Are there particular features of Cube Creator 3D that are favorites of those on the development team?

We collectively love the portal system that the player can use to travel between the four expansive environments in Survival Mode. The day/night cycle was also mentioned to help make the game feel more real while mining.

PN: I seem to recall hearing mention of (possible) Wii U development in the future.  Would Cube Creator 3D be an ideal port for Nintendo’s home console?

It is something we’re considering, although our focus will continue to be on improving game functionality and playability in the future updates we plan to release.

PN: While the launch of Cube Creator 3D is certainly at the forefront, what other 3DS projects do Big John Games have planned for later in the year?

We’re also currently developing another Nintendo 3DS release called Lionel City Builder in concert with Lionel Trains. Gameplay features are centered around assembling trains and building the cities through which the trains can be driven, as well as guiding the two main characters through their adventure as they rebuild the train world. We have more great 3DS games in development, but none that we can disclose quite yet, so please stay tuned. :)

CC3D_Snow_Vista_1_1PN: Lastly, why is Cube Creator 3D an eShop game worth downloading?

Cube Creator 3D brings voxel-based gameplay to the Nintendo 3DS platform in a game that features resource gathering, crafting, building, and battling through four large, varying terrains, all for the low introductory price of $4.99. If someone has played our free demo, they can import their creations into the game, and then share their images of their creations via the Miiverse network.

PN: Thanks for chatting with us here at Pure Nintendo!