At the end of a busy week the PN team looks back at the games that helped us through the last seven days. There’s never enough time in the day, but somehow we manage to squeeze in as many gaming hours as possible. We’d love to know what’s on your playlist too, so share all your latest gaming delights in the comments section below.
Donkey Kong Land III (3DS Virtual Console): I’m only through the first world so far, but already enjoying this game more than its predecessor. A shame the Game Boy Color version isn’t on the VC in all regions.
- Kung Fu FIGHT! (Wii U eShop): Playing this one for a review which should be posted early next week.
- Splinter Cell 3D (3DS): I grabbed this game just before the Ubisoft sale ended. It’s the first Tom Clancy title I’ve played since Pandora Tomorrow on the GameCube.
- Child of Light (Wii U): This game has had me hooked from the beginning. From the beautiful graphics to the amazing soundtrack, I am addicted! I’ve just made it to the moon temple and now have quite a few partners along for my travels. Besides the awesome fight sequences I love just exploring and finding treasures, it’s one of my favorite parts of the game!
- Splatoon (Wii U): Yes this is always on my weekly playlist it seems, but with all of the new content everyone should be playing Splatoon this week! I had to pull my self away the night the update came out, I just want to level up and up and up! Also I love the new slosher weapon! I had like 13 kills my first time using it, also the new mini-gun type weapon is so powerful! The sniper guns have some clear competition there!
- Dr.Mario: I play this at least once a day but have never really included it in my weekly playlist for some reason? It’s a good way for me to relax and I’ve actually started playing at night before bed because it helps me fall asleep :) Currently I’m trying to beat my high score of 850 viruses eliminated, but not having any luck.
- ZombieU (Wii U): Thanks to Ubisoft’s announcement of Zombi for the PS4, XBox One and PC, I started playing ZombiU again. Now, in retrospect, ZombiU is one of the most unappreciated Wii U titles.
- Badlands: GoTY Edition: Played it mostly for review. Now I just want to beat those last two “doomed” levels.
- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror: I have no idea why.
- Skyward Sword: Doing the master sword quests. Game’s starting to wear a bit long to me.
- Super Mario Bros. (Wii U VC): With Mario Maker coming out soon I thought I’d go back and replay the classics, starting with the original. This was actually the first game I ever played many moons ago, so it brings up a lot of memories!
- Mario Kart 7 (3DS): There was a lot of travel time recently so Mario Kart came in handy for the long trips interstate. My four year old also likes to play it now, he even won his first race this week! I may have to get him his own 3DS now.
- Picross e2 (3DS): Picross e6 just came out, so I felt the need to go back to e2, since there are a few puzzles I didn’t get around to finishing.
- Pokémon Shuffle (3DS): Yet again I persist with this puzzle game. I was making progress until I hit level 189. Maybe tomorrow I’ll defeat Braixen …
August 8, 2015
I’ve been dabbling a bit lately. Disclaimer – I own many consoles, but I always have been (and always will be) a Nintendo kid:
– Pushmo on 3DS. I got sidetracked when it first came out, so I didn’t quite finish it then. I’m on the last couple of sets of levels now.
– Splatoon. So addicted. I’m Team Marshmallow on Splatfest (voted for Dogs and Rollercoasters previously.) I’m loving the higher level cap.
– Affordable Space Adventures – I bought it on launch day, but I haven’t been rushing through it. I just play a few levels here and there when I want something slower paced.
– Journey on PS4 – I owned it on PS3 so it was free on PS4. Love it.
– Conker’s Bad Fur Day on Xbone – I so wish Rare Replay would have been possible on Wii U. I own Conker’s BFD complete in box, but having the ability to save whenever is great.
– Fallout 3 on PS3. I’m 20+ hours in and loving it. Galaxy News Radio is the best.
August 10, 2015
I am sure many people own many systems. Nothing wrong with that.
August 10, 2015
I have been playing Splatoon, Pokemon Shuffle, Stone Shire, and Golden Sun.