At the end of yet another busy week, the PN team looks back fondly at the games that helped us through the last seven days. Although the days whip by all too quickly, we somehow manage to squeeze in as many gaming hours as possible. We’d also love to know what’s on your playlist, so share all your latest gaming delights in the comments section below.
Adventures of Pip (Wii U eShop) – Very close to reaching 100% completion!
- The Bridge (Wii U eShop) – This puzzle game releases next Thursday, but I should have a PN review up by Monday.
- Donkey Kong Land III (3DS Virtual Console) – Beat the game this past week, and I think it’s my favorite of the GB trilogy. May pick up the SNES version next, as it’s been several years since I last played it.
- Child of Light – Well my adventure has finally come to an end this week. I have to say I was definitely yearning for more when it was all over! This is one of my new favorite games. I plan to play through again soon on hard mode, highly recommended!
- Splatoon – Yep, I’m still religiously playing Splatoon almost everyday. My girlfriend Patty recently started playing so we’re trying to get her leveled up and of course find the freshest possible outfit Inkopolis has to offer. Can’t wait until the next Splatfest, I was 3 points away from Marshmallow queen last time and it ended…I was mad to say the least. Glad we won though, hotdogs are icky! ;D
- Soul Blazer (SNES) – Some of you may have never heard of this game, and if that’s the case you’re definitely missing out on an awesome adventure! This is a childhood favorite of mine, I got the urge to play for a little bit this week for no reason (not that I need one). Soul Blazer is filled with amazing boss battles, dungeons, epic music and so much more. If you have a Super Nintendo it’s a game you must checkout!
- Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies – Unfortunately, I’ve only had time to play one game this week. Sometimes life calls for difficult decisions like, “Should I defend this Orca in a murder trial?”
- Super Mario World (Wii U VC): My Mario fix continues, and I’d intended to play them all in the right order, but I jumped ahead to this one since I scored a free download from Club Nintendo (gotta trade in those stars before the end of September). It also happens to be my favorite 2D Mario game! I love everything from the first appearance of Yoshi, to Mario’s cape powerup, to the many secrets and hidden levels.
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U): I have been putting off playing this game for some time, but I finally started this week, and so far I’m really enjoying it. Has the familiar DKC vibe, with beautiful visuals and great controls. I haven’t played the GB games (like Trev is replaying right now) but I loved the SNES ones back in the day, and this game definitely has a familiar feel to it.
August 14, 2015
I mainly have been playing Splatoon, Pokemon Shuffle Golden Sun and Stone Shire.
August 14, 2015
I’ve been devoid of Nintendo this past week (gladly after Pranger-Gate) and have been catching up on some indie games. Her Story – more like “WOW” story. The game (if one can call an all-round, immersive, gripping, heart-wrenching, interactive melodrama a ‘game’) has been immense. Highly recommend. Also been catching up with ones from last year like Grand Titons. Indie goodness.
Besides that, I’ve been reading a book about Feng Shui which has taken up much of my gaming time. Snigger if you will, but I honestly can say that I’ve found greater inner peace in my home environment since practicing. Give it a try.
I’m looking forward to Happy Home Designer and transitioning my newfound Feng Shui knowledge into that. It’s a fun and wonderful practice to become accustomed too.
I’ve also been playing Everyone went to Rapture, which is some kooky game set in the UK or somewhere. You don’t do an awful lot, other than wander round and look at the scenery and listen to goofy UK accents. It’s relaxing but dreadfully dull. Nintendo aren’t missing out on not having that one, not that the Wii U’s inferior hardware could handle such a realistic game.
That is all I believe.
August 14, 2015
This is the book if anyone is interested. Pick it up on Amazon. Cheap too!
August 14, 2015
This is the book if anyone’s interested. Pick it up on Amazon. Cheap too!