Siliconera: Will we see Ys Book I&II will we see this on US Wiis? Can you give us an estimate on the time?

SD: You know, Ys is one of our most-requested titles, along with Bonk and Military Madness (which have come out on the Virtual Console, and people are still asking for them on other platforms). We’d love to make our fans happy, so we’re still evaluating if it’s right to bring Ys over.

S: Recently, Hudson Japan announced two Bomberman games for the Wii. Is Hudson planning on releasing either Bomberman game in North America?

SD: Bomberman has worldwide appeal and is clearly beloved by US gamers, as the success of Bomberman LIVE showed us. Any game we release in Japan is always evaluated for a US release, so I’m sure you’ll see more Bomberman in the US in the future.

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