IGN: Give us an idea of some “subtle but noticeable tweaks” that’s gone into the Nintendo DS version?

Mathew Imregi: Overall, we’re very pleased with the state of the Madden DS code-base – it’s realistic, incredibly deep and really nails the Madden Experience and provides a ton of bang-for-the-buck for players, plus we’re the only version of Madden that has multiplayer for up to eight! To that end, we’ve focused core game updates on really detailed tweaks; things like improving pursuit, adding more catch animations so that receivers can behave more realistically, UI updates and of course roster and stat updates. 

IGN: Is online still in the cards for the Nintendo DS version?

Mathew Imregi: Absolutely. One of the best things about the DS platform is its fantastic online support, and we’re very much taking advantage with a good array of local and internet multiplayer options.

Full Interview here