The Conduit’s Matt Corso On Pushing Wii Hardware For A Hardcore FPS
What led you guys to start this project, and what was your overall philosophy was behind it?
Matt Corso: The reason High Voltage decided to develop a first-person shooter for the Wii is that it seems no developer was really pushing the system, and we wanted to take advantage of the hardware and show that the Wii was capable of doing much more than what people were actually doing on it.
Also, we felt that there really weren’t enough hardcore first-person shooter-style games available on the system, and the system is so perfect for that style of game. So we really saw an opportunity to take advantage of something and make something very special for the system. That’s why we chose to go with The Conduit.
How long has it been in development?
MC: The Conduit has been in development since last October. Right now, the team size is somewhere around 30 people.
And you’re basically content complete at this point? Are you in alpha yet?