Amazon Top 25 Overall
1. Pokemon Diamond
2. Pokemon Pearl
3. DS Lite Onyx Black
4. Wii Nunchuck controller
5. Pokemon Pearl pre-sale stylus
6. Wii
7. Super Paper Mario
8. Wiimote controller
9. DS Lite Polar White
10. PSP
11. Lord of the Rings: Shadows of Angmar
12. Nintendo DS Lite Coral Pink
13. Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
14. Sony Playstation 2 Console Slim PS2
15. Sony Playstation 3 (60GB)
16. Brain Age
17. Guitar Hero 2 Bundle with Guitar
18. New Super Mario Bros.
19. Wii Charge Station
20. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
21. God of War 2
22. Wii HD Component Cables
23. World of Warcraft Expansion: Burning Crusade
24. Xbox 360 Console Includes 20GB Hard Drive
25. Wii Classic Controller
Not only does Nintendo have 16 out of the 25 best sellers, 9 of those are in the top 10!
Source: Amazon