Drawn to Life DS Preview
IGN DS has some impressions of THQ’s original DS game called ‘Drawn to Life’. In the game, you play as the ‘creator’ of the world and design everything from your main character to other objects and creatures. You use the DS touch screen to draw a lot of the game yourself. It’s a very unique idea, and it looks like it could be really fun! Here’s a snippet of the article:
The game literally pulls you from the action and into the creation tool (which by the way, offers shading, drawing, brushes, zoom, and a ton of pretty complex stylus optoins), and prompts you to draw new assets for the game. This can be something as simple as a cloud, or as complex as a giant whale which will later act as a platform for an auto-scrolling level.
Sign me up! I like these types of games that give the gamer tons of freedom.
February 11, 2008
You know what i have that same game and my creation looks way better, sorry but it does.