IGN just posted some hands-on impressions for FIFA 08 on Wii, and they have a lot of new details on the control system in the game as well as some of the other game modes:

No control options have been sacrificed in the transition to motion-based inputs. You can still run, pass, shoot, pull off stepovers and drag-backs, for example, but with Wii you handle these maneuvers in very different ways. You still move around the field with the nunchuk’s analog stick, which controls your player adequately, although some sense of sluggishness remains, as has always been the case with the FIFA games. You can sprint by holding the Z button. To short pass, hit the A button and to through pass, tap B-trigger. To throw the ball in, hold down the Z button and then make an forward throwing gesture with both controllers. You can send a shot toward the goalie with a quick flick of the Wii remote upward, a finesse shot by motioning in the opposite direction, and you can also header/volley by motioning downward. If you’re playing defense, you tap the A button to switch between players and hold B-trigger to tackle; if you motion downward while holding B-trigger, you’ll perform a sliding tackle. In our experience, the controls respond well, and these are just the basics.

The game is looking pretty good, and the controls sound like they will be fully-utilizing the motion controls!

Read the rest here