SEGA probably has the strongest line up for games for Nintendo platforms other then….Well Nintendo themselves. I was lucky enough to have a personal tour of SEGA’s booth and check out all the great games they are bringing to the table. Here are some highlights.


Some updated info in black taken from Sega hands on meetings.

Conduit 2 Multiplayer

-15 levels. Looking to add more by launch date.

-Adding Conduit maps as well, by players votes. So far looks like streets will be brought over, maybe all of them. Old maps will be updated.

-Uncapped FPS. When staring at a wall it can get up to 70 FPS. With explosions and action can drop to 28 fps.

-4 player co-op, online and local. Players can play missions together, but not campaign. Good example to explain this is Modern Warfare 2 co-op.

-Still 12 players online

-New Weapons.

-Lot of people asked for a Sniper rifle in The Conduit, now in Conduit 2.

-Sniper rifle slow to use, long time to reload. If locked onto someone heat sync, sniper rifle can shot through some walls.

-Motion plus not being used for melee attacks. Motion plus used to help keep your curser on screen. If the curser is moved off screen it is easer to find you way back to the screen. (Really does work well)

-Still talking about the addition of DLC: Maps, Guns, etc.

-Post release patches to be released to help fix bugs and balance the game.

Conduit Campaign

Starts right after The Conduit ends.

-Updated AI

-Able to pick up weapons from the ground.

-Multi-able paths in levels.

-Able to take cover.

Sonic 4: Ep 1

-About 20 levels in the game: 5 areas with 4 parts each.

-Game was delayed to help speed up Sonic. Admits that Sonic is a little slow.

-Wanted to bring old sonic fans back to Sonic.

Sonic Colors


-Fantastic game!

-More info about game coming from a video interview later. Make sure to keep an eye out for that.


-Some different levels from the Wii one, but same idea.

Built from the Sonic Rush game.

-Probably one of the best Sonic games to come to the Wii. Speed and feels like the old Sonic games.

Tournament of Legends

-Little slow movements.

-Lots of special moves that are easy to activate.

-Arenas to look nice.

-Game is only $30.