Holy cow! How long has it been since I have done one of these? I guess it is time to talk about why I have been slacking these last weeks. Over the last few months I have moved to another location and been planning a wedding. Pure Nintendo has seen a little drop in productivity recently. Some of it has to do with news being slow. Some of it has to do with being too busy. We are working on a few things, interviews, podcasts, articles, magazines, so we have not forgotten you guys. The interviews are all being waited on the developer end of things. We have my part done, just waiting for them to free up time. The magazine is being worked on as we speak. The podcast is something I hope you all would be interested us starting back, probably not until after my wedding is over.

I would like to thank you all for sticking by us. We are excited for the news to take off after the launch of the Wii U. We are working close with developers to provide you with the best Wii U coverage as we can.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the Olympics.