A Must Have – Geeky Cross Stitch
Cross stitching is not everyone’s cup of tea but it seems like Etsy user ‘SnarkyLittleStitcher‘ is looking to change that. Above and below you will find examples of their work that is available on Etsy. I am always looking for something new and unusual to add to my game room and the work that SnarkyLittleStitcher is creating definitely fits. The cross stitching that I specifically want to call attention to is a part of their collection of ‘Geeky Cross Stitch‘. In this collection of geeky cross stitching you will find works that feature Nintendo, Pokemon and even zombies! There is a large selection of different cross stitching available and I encourage our readers to head on over and see what is available and support SnarkyLittleStitcher so that they may continue to create more geeky cross stitching for us! They do welcome custom orders so if there is something that is not currently featured, you may want to try contacting them to see if they can whip something up for you!