Two New Playable Characters Added to Roster in “Hyrule Warriors”
The character roster for Hyrule Warriors up to this point has been Zelda, Link, Impa, and Midna, leaving five more slots up for speculation. Recently, Famitsu has revealed Lana, the White Witch who is featured in the Hyrule Warriors box art, will be a playable character. According to Silicon Era and Game Jouhou, Lana is an original creation, and does not originate from the Zelda series, nor from the Warriors series. The screens featured in the page reveals that Lana specializes in magical techniques (just in case you couldn’t gleam that from the term “White Witch”). She is able to create a wall which can then be detonated to damage enemies.
If you gaze on over to the second page, you’ll notice a certain bug collector from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. As confirmed from Silicone Era and Game Jouhou, Agatha will indeed be a playable character. So far, all we know is that Agatha will be attacking with her parasol and is able to summon bugs.
Other details in the article reveal that characters will have access to the hookshot at some point, which will retain its use from the Zelda series as a tool to access places not reached normally.
Hyrule Warriors is set to release in the in August 14th in Japan, September 19th in Europe, September 20th in Australia, and September 26th in the United States.
[Editor’s Note]: We are sorry for the extremely low resolution picture. We’ll update this post once we have a better image available to us.
June 24, 2014
Gonna take a stab in the dark and guess Lana has something to do with Nayru, given the Lanayru stuff in other Zeldas and her obvious blue theme.
June 24, 2014
Lana, the White Witch…I know Zelda is quite magical, but from this, Lana would be even more so. And it’s nice to see an original character for a new Zelda game, even if it isn’t canon lol
And Agitha? Sweet, innocent princess of the Insect Kingdom who knows you have bugs?! I would NEVER have seen that coming. A parasol (she must be getting lessons from Princess Peach) and an army of bugs as her weapons. Very interesting, indeed. I’m wondering if her attacks are gonna be more widespread than the others…or what if she will access some of the Twilit Bugs that held tears in Twilight Princess, and maybe even summon that Queen from the lake O.O The possibilities.
June 26, 2014
SCREW YOU LANA I WANTED GODDESSES TvT’ Youstilllookreallycoolthough
Also Agatha being noteworthy again I find comical but approve of all-together