Alan Hansen (Sports Challenge) Interview
December 6th 2007: Northamptonshire, UK: Oxygen Games™ has been fortunate enough to get an interview with Mr Football himself, Alan Hansen, star of Alan Hansen’s Sports Challenge, for Playstation®2, PC and Wii™.
OG: What made you decide to put your name and talents into a videogame?
AH: I liked the concept and thought it would be quite a fun project to be involved with. And I was right!
OG: What has it been like working with Oxygen?
AH: It’s been great – everyone is very professional but still retains a sense of fun. My involvement with this has been a lot easier than working on TV and radio; I was able to just go to the recording studio and do my stuff. Nobody yelling “Cut” every time I recorded a take! Shooting the promo ad was really fun too.
OG: What’s been the best/most fun aspect of making this game?
AH: Several things really; working with Oxygen was great, as I mentioned earlier but also, being given a free hand in the voice-over.
OG: Would you consider doing more videogames in the future?
AH: I might; really it would depend upon the project.
OG: How does voicing a game differ from television or radio work?
AH: I can only speak from my own experience but I found it to be much less frenetic. Certainly there’s less pressure, and as I said before, there was no script. They let me do more or less what I liked.
OG: Which is your favourite part or feature of the game?
AH: Being the kind of person that likes to exercise his brain, I’d have to say the questions. Although having said that, my caricature is pretty amusing!
OG: Would you recommend Alan Hansen’s Sports Challenge to your friends and family?
AH: Of course! In fact, I may have to insist they play it this Christmas!
OG: Would you recommend it to strangers?! Why? What about it makes it so good?
AH: Again, of course I would. What makes it good…apart from *my* involvement, you mean?! Let me see – well, I suppose the fact that you have to think on your feet, so to speak; you have to be quick off the mark if you want to win, and it’s really good fun. A bit like sport eh?
OG: Have you played Cheggers’ Party Quiz? If not, would you and do you think you’d be any good at it?
AH: To be completely honest, I’m not really a games person, although obviously I *have* played this one. However, as I said before in another interview, it’s important to keep the mind as well as the body in shape – quiz games are great for this.
OG: Who’d do better – you playing Cheggers’ quiz or Cheggers playing yours?
AH: I believe Keith Chegwin said that I’d fare much better playing his game than he would mine…I think it would be ungentlemanly of me to contradict him!