Another Month, Another Nintendo Power Tease
Nintendo Power is at it again with another big teaser at the end of this month’s issue (vol. 232). I don’t even want to take a guess at this one for fear of building my expectations too much. What do you guys/gals think this teaser is all about?
June 27, 2008
Lets see….big shiny sword, mounted to a platform of some kind, hint of a tale of kings? Its got a lot of heart?………….Its a new Zelda game. There, I said it.
June 27, 2008
i highly doubt that it’s a new Zelda game. i’m going to say Fire Emblem… but it seems to soon to release another one
June 27, 2008
Kingdom Hearts!?
June 27, 2008
I sure hope it’s a new Kingdom Hearts game! We’ve been hearing that rumor about KHIII coming to the Wii for a long time! Let’s hope that finally happens!
June 28, 2008
oh yah i completely forgot about that, but if it was wouldn’t there be a key blade instead of a sword?
June 28, 2008
That is true. But i think if they put a key blade that would give it away. The same thing would apply for a zelda game, the master sword would give it away.