Nerd Block and Pure Nintendo will be giving away a special Legend of Zelda prize pack. Using the Rafflecopter app, you can enter to win the below Arcade Block prize pack and a 3-yr subscription to PNM magazine. Doesn’t that sound awesome?! The contest runs June 2nd – July 2nd with the winner randomly chosen on July 3rd. Good Luck!
-Pure Nintendo and Nerd Block hold the right to disqualify any entry to the contest.
-Winner must respond to email notification within 72-hours or be disqualified from the contest. A new winner will be randomly picked.
-To enter one must be over 16-years of age or have parental consent.
-Sorry, contest only open to residents in North America.
June 2, 2016
tweet is too long for twitter to submit on contest site
June 2, 2016
boo, US only :(
June 3, 2016
@ArcadeBlock super awesome that is a super dream haha
June 5, 2016
So I’ve been doing the retweets, and I don’t know if the thing counts entries in a weird way? I’ve done one for each day of the contest so far. Though on the button on the upper right it will only say I have 4 entries, and it’ll say I have 2 when the new tweet refreshes for the next day. Do I actually have more than 4 entries and this doesn’t actually count them?
June 28, 2016
Epic contest, guys! Super great prizes!!!!!