Alchemilla, Anarchy Club, The Cold Goodnight, Father Octopus, Freerider, Full-Source, Giant Target, The Holepunch Generation, Lead the Dead, The Main Drag, Matter in the Medium, Myriad Burial, Oliver Pride, Ploy of Oracle, Rose of Jericho, Sarah VonderHaar, Speck, Steve and Lindley Band, Terrorhorse, Verse Versus Chorus, Wounded Soul.

For those who didn’t catch the press release a few days ago; Rock Band Network gives artist a chance to release whatever song they want for DLC, for the new Rock Band Network.

After looking at this list, it seems like a lot of Minor bands (don’t yell at me if they are not minor bands, I never heard of them) that normally wouldn’t get a chance to get their music on Rock Band
