Best Buy And Circuit City’s To Have Wii’s This Sunday
About a week ago, a rumor was floating around that all major retailers will be getting there last big shipment of Wii’s before the holiday season, on Sunday December 16. I’ve asked around to a few retailers and I have confirmation from three Best Buy’s and two Circuit City’s, in three different states, that they will be getting Wii’s this Sunday, the 16th. I Can’t promise you that every Best Buy and Circuit City will be getting Wii’s this Sunday, but there is a good chance that most of them will. So, if you are looking for a Wii this holiday season it may be your last chance. Remember to get there early, because there will probably be lines. If anyone else can confirm any other stores please let us know.
December 16, 2007
I will be attending the one in North Charleston, South Carolina.