Brawl Snapshot Decrypter: Getting Brawl Images on Your Computer
Photo by: Benjamin Stitzer
You’ve got some amazing shots from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but you want to send them to grandma who doesn’t have a Wii. Well, now you can!
Step 1: Save awesome image to an SD card.
Step 2: Use an SD Card reader to upload the brawl .bin photos to your computer.
Step 3: Upload those files to this Web site: Snapshot Decrypter.
UPDATE – Oct. 5, 2008: The Snapshot Decrypter appears to have moved yet again. Here’s the new link:
Smash Bros. Brawl Snapshot Decrypter
Another Brawl Snapshot Decrypter
Thanks to shyguy_92 for the heads up!
Step 4: Repeat as necessary to upload all of your fantastic photos.
May 17, 2008
I’ve been to that site before, but when I tried to go to it this time it said this:
Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Sun May 18 02:06:41 2008
Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
May 17, 2008
Hey Mike, thanks for letting us know. I found the new link. Copy and paste this: and you should be back in business. I also updated the link in the original post. Happy decrypting!
June 14, 2008
[…] Seth sent me some pictures he has taken using the snapshot decrypter with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (Read about it HERE) Some amazed and others weirded me out. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Above is one of my […]
August 15, 2008
Every now and then (not often though) I will get a “website has exceeded bandwidth allotment” message, and a few moments later I may be able to try again.
If you ever get a “website allotment” error message, give it a few mintues and wait. I normally have the Brawl Snapshot Decrypter saved as a favorites so I can make people laugh with some of the pics I take.
September 30, 2008
That site is suspended. I used to use it all the time for my snapshots, but just today it said this:
“This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the support department as soon as possible, and please have your site name ready.
Can u try to find somewhere else for us?
September 30, 2008
Thanks for the heads up about the site being down! And yes, here’s the new link for all your snapshot decrypting needs:
October 5, 2008
Ok, that site looks like it’s still pointing to the old decrypter :) So…here’s a completely different site that has a snapshot decrypter.
October 5, 2008
Here’s another link as well:
Thanks Mike for the tip!
December 16, 2010
I Been Using This Site to change my snapshot’s files to use on my PC
but lately i can’t even access the site
is something wrong with there site
because i can’t access it for a long time now
Need Help plz
December 16, 2010
Their site must be offline, I’m not sure why, but it should be back sometime soon. I don’t know them personally but it’s probably just some maintenance on their end.