Capcom shareholders vote to open company to possibility of a takeover
Yesterday, Capcom announced that its shareholders voted to end the companies takeover defense. This means Capcom could be acquired if a company purchases a large amount of stock.
Many companies have defenses against a stock purchase takeover, and there are various schemes and strategies they can adopt to block a party from gaining control of the company by buying up its stock.
This doesn’t’ mean that Capcom is ready for a majority buyout or wouldn’t “react to make necessary measures within the admissible limits of applicable laws and regulations.” It does mean, if the right offer was made, a Capcom acquisition could be possible.
June 17, 2014
That would be one way to keep Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms :P
June 17, 2014
This could give Mega Man his big comeback (outside of Smash Bros), as well, if Nintendo acquired Capcom stock. Nintendo does seem to do the Blue Bomber great justice.
This could also inspire a Nintendo vs. Capcom game, perhaps. One can dream.
June 17, 2014
I definitely think it could be beneficial for Nintendo to buy out Capcom. Capcom has a variety of very popular IPs and making them exclusive to their platforms could have potential to boost sales tremendously depending on what they released.