Columnist: Games are Crack Cocaine of Electronic World
I learned the truth about video games the hard way, and so this is the lesson I offer for free: Don’t play video games. Don’t own them. And for the sake of all that is good and holy, don’t buy them for your children…
Since [deleting Tetris] I have never played another video game. It’s too dangerous. Video games take what is most precious — time and thought. And they are making kids fat.
Video games are like a black hole into which time disappears…They are the crack cocaine of the electronic world…
Did I mention that far too many video games celebrate graphic violence, multifarious delinquency and borderline pornography? I don’t have to. Tetris had none of that, and it was deadly enough.
December 13, 2007
I couldn’t agree more! Now, quick! I’ve got to go get the next power star!