(TwinGalaxies.com) January 10, 2010 – The ongoing battle for the championship score on the classic video game Donkey Kong continues.

Twin Galaxies International, the official organization for video game high scores and world records, has announced that New York plastic surgeon Hank Chien has taken the all-time top score for the second time, racking up 1,068,000 points.

The record-setting game, recorded from Chien’s home during the late December snowstorm, reclaims the title in the latest in a series of the World Record changing hands.

Chien made international news last March when he defeated legendary gamer Billy Mitchell’s 2007 record. Mitchell fired back over the summer at a Florida arcade, reclaiming the record with 1,062,800 points. Mitchell’s King of Kong movie rival Steve Wiebe then came back onto the scene with a 1,064,500 point score to reclaim the title a month later. Chien’s score now defeats Wiebe’s mark.

The battle over the high score mark is set to continue. Wiebe is set to make attempts at a live event in Chicago this weekend and Chien, Mitchell, and Wiebe are among the contestants at a Donkey Kong challenge event set for March at a New Jersey gaming location.

Twin Galaxies International has tracked World Record scores since 1981 and is the only officially recognized organization for verification of record scores on all titles from classic arcade games to modern console titles. Chien’s recorded game had to undergo a set of strict rules and guidelines and was verified by three Twin Galaxies officials.