Dreamcast Theme For Nintendo 3DS (Japan)
Check out the trailer above for the latest Nintendo 3DS theme to launch in Japan.
It may strike an ironic chord with long-time Sega fans, as the Dreamcast theme emulates a Sega system’s dashboard – complete with spinning disc noise – on a Nintendo system.
This would never have happened in the 1990s …
Check out the trailer above and let us know your thoughts on this theme – brilliant or sacrilege?
March 18, 2015
That is about as unexpected as Shenmue 3. I would allow that theme on my N3DS XL.
March 19, 2015
One thing I will say about the Dreamcast is that its system menu looked cool. I definitely wouldn’t mind getting this theme if it shows up in the US.
March 21, 2015
I worked for a FuncoLand when the Dreamcast launched and I did everything I could to save that system. The most aggravating thing was every person that came in was like “I’m waiting for Playstation 2” and I was like “But you can play all of these awesome games on Dreamcast now!” The Dreamcast had one of, if not the most robust launch of any system. The PS2 on the other hand launched with garbage. It wouldn’t be until GTA III and MGS2 that the P2 started to shine…until that time they had games like Fantavision…much better than SoulCalibur (sarcasm).