A snippet of an interview with Senior Vice President of MTV Games Paul DeGooyer.

Nrama: So there is a desire to focus on other instruments or other types of music?

DeGooyer: Well, I don’t know about other types of music but other types of experience with music. There’s other ways to engage with music other than playing guitar or drums. That’s one way to think about it.

So we want to continue the evolution on all fronts. The one thing for us is that rhythm games are taken seriously as a way of experiencing music. This isn’t just a fad, no matter how much plastic instruments are foisted on consumers and pushed out at retail by a variety of companies. This is beyond that, there is a core constituency that is buying new songs every week that has chosen Rock Band as a way to get into songs that they love, and we think that this is a way to experience music that people should consider as legitimate as buying a CD down the line.

Nrama: With such an efficient platform for new content delivery, is there a POINT from a business standpoint for you guys to develop a full “Rock Band 3” sequel?

DeGooyer: You mean do we need to? Well the short answer is, as efficient as digital distribution is, there are still things that are much more efficiently delivered as a disc. In terms of major upgrades, I mean. That said, we haven’t announce any formal plans for a sequel game… yet.

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