Happy Pre-E3 2010 weekend to everyone of  our friends! As you can tell we have been busy this weekend  at purenintendo.com. As you can see we have finally launched something I have been hinting at for a while, Purenintendo 3.0. Thanks to Justin and the long hours he has put in this week to get this new site, and logo, up. Below are a few highlights, and low lights about the new design.

  • Format is not perfect with Internet Explorer. We are working on that.
  • New logo is a mix of the P-Wing and our motto “Freshly Squeezed.”
  • New and better forums. Old ones are no more.
  • Follow your friends on purenintendo.
  • Post your own concerns reviews and other things on you page.
  • Some of the fine tuning will be worked on and finished during the next few days.

We need your help with the new site. We look at the site, as administrator, differently then you do as users. We may look at something and see nothing wrong with it. You as users may look at something and see a problem. If you run across one of these problems, feel free to tell us. You can make a comment or shot us an email at info@southern.edu. This way we can try an make Purenintendo 3.0 the best it can be.

Now ont the E3 news. Once again heres a list of info

  • We will be flying out of ATL at 12:30 et tomorrow. Arriving around 3 pm pt.
  • Our twitter feeds will be up to the right to keep you up to date. This will come very useful during the week.
  • Ben and Theo will be covering the site from here to help relieve the stress of posting up the news coming out of E3. While we cover the news in E3.
  • We will have daily videos that cover different booths of the floor. The idea is to have a full video tour by the end of E3.
  • We will be doing a daily video podcast around 9 pm every night, except for Tuesday.
  • We will be attending the EA and Ubisoft press conferences on Monday.
  • We are working on streaming live video from Nintendo press conference. We will see how that works.

I hope everyone is as excited for E3 2010 as we are. We are working on providing you the best coverage we can for you our Purenintendo friends. I hope you have a fantastic rest of the Weekend.