A Boy & His Blob

– Made by “some crappy developer”
– They knew about it, but couldn’t say anything
– Put up a video today
– If you love games like Murasama you’ll like this
– History lesson about the NES game
– Correlation between Aladdin Genesis and this game. I’m not really paying attention so I don’t know what it is.
– Wario Land opened the door for 2D games on Wii


– They’re glad about classic style controls.
– Punch-Out!! is all about pattern recognition and they don’t want to deal with inaccurate motion controls.
– Only problem is that the game may not be fine-tuned for the NES controls.
– Has to be like the NES game, has to be single player based.
– Other problem is that it may be Punch-Out 3D, they want them to lengthen the game somehow to be worth it.
– One of them wants a new Fight Night for Wii.
– The new guy on the box art is named “Spaz McTwist” (lol)
– They want there to be a guy who’s so hard to beat, not to “casualize” it.
– Sure that Next Level doesn’t want to be known as the guys who ruined Punch Out.


– Looks like ExciteTruck except without trucks.
– ExciteTruck got a bad rap at launch by most people, but it was really fun.
– They like the turtle robot.
– Excitebike 64 should come to VC in preparation
– ExciteTruck has more legs than most Wii games in that they can still play it today.
– Talking about the NP preview.
– Glad it has online, hope for MP3/AAC support.

Sonic and the Black Knight

– Black Knight theme music starts playing. Reply from Sonic fan to review: “Listen here you motherfuckers”
– Matt gave Unleashed a decent score so bitter Sonic fans shut up.
– “It’s not a good Sonic game, or it’s not a good game, either one is true”
– On swordplay: “It’s not gesture, it is waggle”
– Design is terrible, game is just running and cutting.
– Basically they took Secret Rings and cut out everything that’s actually good.
– God they’re talking about this like forever. Summary within summary: the game sucks.

We Ski & Snowboard

– Mediocre but not as bad as Sonic.
– Basically the same game as last year.
– The balance controls work, which is good.
– There’s not really anything for you to do.

EA Grand Slam Tennis

– They got to play it without MotionPlus. Woo!
– Hands-on in about a day or two.
– It’s like Wii Tennis, except better
– You should be able to control your guy with an analog stick (optional)
– Mix of realism with exaggerated characters
– Going to be pretty deep, online mode
– Even without WiiMotion it was fun

~Had some stuff but it got deleted because Firefox is bullshit. ~

They plan on checking out Tiger Woods next week.

– They’re wondering how they’ll implement non-MotionPlus gameplay.
– They think that they’ll just take last year’s game and add a separate mode for MotionPlus.

– Nintendo is still tweaking MotionPlus, and will delay the release past June.
– Wii Sports Resort will be an 8 game title, not 10.
– The swordfighting from WSR is good, as was the dog frisbee thing.
– Hard to tell if WiiMotion delay will delay the EA games as well.


– Matt was impressed with it.
– Was convinced that the Wii version wouldn’t be too good, but was pleasantly surprised.
– Same gameplay/story but with a different look.
– Matt liked the style.
– The controls were good, tight pointing controls.
– Engine works great.
– Has little touches that the 360 version doesn’t.
– They use the same voice over from the HD version.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

– Wii game is a port of the DS game
– DS game was made first with connectivity as an afterthought
– lol Square Enix tax. Wii version is the same price
– Weird to review because the DS version is great, the Wii version is… the same thing.
– Better to not use touch controls.
– Doesn’t have voice chat, will be like Brawl’s message thing.
– Comes out later this month.

– DSi has its own built-in age setting because of all the ratings systems from around the world.
– DSi will be able to have its own cartridges, but they think Nintendo will wait.


– Clarify on 1500 sales: It’s sold more than that, NPD doesn’t report from some retailers.
– The actual number is more like 5-6,000, which is still pretty low ;(
– Game had about 200k$ put into advertising
– Game may turn out to be a long, slow seller
– In hindsight “Big Busted Moon Game With Guns” would have sold better
– Chatting with Renegade Kid about their new projects

Listener mail

– They already answered the one that mattered
– From JediClairnet: DSi will play any retail DS cartridges
– From Diego: How confident about WarioWare for Wii with board/plus? Maybe, would be awesome
– From Jose: Is DSi’s Wi-Fi compatible with WPA2? It would work for DSi games
– Also from Jose: When will there be a preview of Conduit’s multiplayer? New preview on Friday, big multiplayer thing later
– Chad Smith: Why no LAN for The Conduit? Because Nintendo hates LAN and you
– Also: Why no 480p in Madworld? They probably didn’t think to include it
– Also: Why no reviews for PES09? Konami won’t give it to them, they finally gave it yesterday
– Jeff: Month of Conduit? Probably not a month, but something
– Chris: Conduit will be using WiiMotion, but WM+ doesn’t have a release date, what’s up? It can still release early without WSR coming out
– Dan: The enemies of MadWorld just stand around and don’t attack lolwut? You can play it on Normal or Kill Yourself Hard, Hard is batshit insane to begin with, on Normal it gets gradually harder but still beatable.
– James: MadWorld is really violent but is the story anything worth mentioning? Surprisingly deep, good half hour of cut scenes
– Michael: Smart to release MW before RE5? Kind of, they’re different systems so it won’t really matter. One of them recommends MadWorld over RE5.
– TGAHarris: Pole’s Big Adventure? One of them played it, was the funniest thing they ever played.
– Boom Blox Bash Party. They can’t talk about it, it’s awesome
– Adolf: Will Capcom port REOutbreak1&2 on Wii? They start talking about RE2 remake, Outbreak probably won’t happen because it sort of fizzled out.
– Brandon: Indie love on DS? That’s what DSiware is for.
– Shelby: NPC Metroid Prime, how does the D-pad work for the weapons? They don’t know
– Charlie: Ocarina of Time on DS? It could…
– Mark: Weird story about the “Did you know your Wii could connect” e-mail. Can you talk about Mother 3? Reggie doesn’t want to talk about it.
– Dan: Can DSi take videos with the camera? Nothing built-in
