John Carmack on Doom 3 for the Wii U
During John Carmack’s QuakeCon 2012 keynote speech, which can be watched in its entirety below, he specifically mentions bringing Doom 3 to different platforms. John Carmack says during his speech, “You know, we could make a Vita version, a Wii U version, an iPhone/Android version.” So he makes mention of several platforms including the Wii U but he also does not say that the game is coming to any specific platform and just simply states that it is possible. John Carmack seems interested in bringing Doom 3 to other platforms but he also states within his speech that there is simply not enough time within their development schedule.
Jump to about 12(m):00(s) in the video below to see the portion of John Carmack’s keynote speech where he references the Wii U.