Konami Talks Dewy’s Adventure, Elebits Sequel
RG: Which has been the most difficult point in the developing process of Dewy’s Adventure? And which part of Dewy’s Adventure are you proudest of?
SM: The difficult point was “how to use the Wii Remote”. First I was thinking to hold not horizontally but vertically… thinking of stuff like this (jumping by lifting the Wiimote) but it was really more difficult than we have now. And then it was… yeah! You can hold it this way (horizontal) and this way I really had an idea that I could play better. And I’m really proud that I found that I can hold this way!. At the same time what I think I’m proud of is that -same as Elebits- I can work with WiiConnect24 and have online features, and I also can edit stages and send them to friends and… do you know the Wii Message Board? Well, Dewy’s Adventure hints will be sent to the Message Board and you can check them.
RG: Speaking about Elebits, its concept was also an original concept with innovative controls, have you considered using it again?
SM: (Laughs) Shhhhhhh, no comment.