Koopa Kast 68: All about Splatoon [Live Wed @ 8:30PM EDT]
Hey folks, we are coming up on yet another Koopa Kast. Tomorrow is all about Nintendo’s newest IP, Splatoon. Our review will be going live at 10:00AM EDT tomorrow morning (which we will link here once it is up and running), so after you give it a look, why not hop over to the Koopa Kast? I will be doing my best in answering questions from both the PureNintendo crew and the viewers at home. So if you have any questions for the podcast, you can leave a comment below. If you have a twitter account, you can tweet @PureNintendo with the hashtag #KoopaKast.
May 26, 2015
Couldn’t find Koopa Kast on iTunes. Can you please share a link?
May 26, 2015
Couldn’t find Koopa Kast on iTunes. Can you please share a link?
May 26, 2015
Couldn’t find Koopa Kast on iTunes. Can you please share a link?
May 26, 2015
Couldn’t find Koopa Kast on iTunes. Can you please share a link?
May 28, 2015
Hey Guys,
Good show. Don’t try to keep it so professional and try to make it more personal. It was entertaining hearing the squid stuff and about visiting your local aquarium. Anyways, I got to play the last testfire of splatoon. It went smooth and got into matches one after the other with no problem. Only once did I get a miss connection. I use to be a big fan of Gears of War (but got to the point were the violence wasn’t for me anymore) and now I’m a big fan of Splatoon. Great third person shooter and can’t wait to level up and acquire my own style.
May 29, 2015
Thanks for the input, Nlife! We’ll definitely keep your advice in mind during our next recording session! I’ll be looking forward to trying Splatoon for the first time tomorrow, and maybe i’ll see ya online sometime.