Hey everyone! And welcome to niwifi’s liveblogging coverage of Nintendo’s E3 2007 Press Conference.


Stay tuned for more coverage throughout the day!!

1:20 – The show is now over. But man did we get some Awesome stuff!

1:19 – A final promo vid is shown—just a bunch of marketing stuff

1:18 – “The future should belong to all of us” talking about the gaming industry

1:17 – Reggie’s talking about leisure and entertainment, and time

1:16 – The demo is now over for Wii Fit

1:15 – Miyamoto is losing, Reggie’s kicking ass again ;) but I think miyamoto is letting him win

1:15 – They’re now playing Soccer on Wii Fit

1:14 – hahaha lol Reggie just said ‘muscle is heavier than fat’ —-Miyamoto says ‘good excuse’ :)

1:13 – It also measures your BMI (body mass index) instead of showing everyone your weight

1:12 – You can track your weight and ‘fitness’ with everyone in your family too

1:11 – Reggie is being weighed right now—lots of laughter in the audience ;)

1:10 – It is completely wireless and can measure weight as well

1:09 – It’s called the ‘Wii Balance Board’

1:08 – You can also to twist aerobics based on your weight distribution

1:08 – Watch the Miis on screen and match their rhythm.

1:07 – Now John, is demonstrating step aerobics on the new device

1:06 – You try to remain balanced as you stretch, and builds the muscles in the legs to provide balance and stability

1:06 – Now there are some fitness trainers using Wii Fit on the stage

1:05 – Miyamoto is talking in Japanese, translated by Bill Trinen

1:04 – Miyamoto takes the stage!!

1:04 – There are other exercises being shown as well, like yoga training.

1:03 – Even use it for dancing movements!!

1:02 – Hoola-hoop just by moving your feet back and forth on the pad—wow! even more immersize

1:01 – It’s a pad that sits on the floor, that you can stand and do exercises, soccer, all sorts of stuff

1:00 – ‘Wii Fit’ is announced. !!!!!

12:59 – Now there’s a new video, showing the Wii on tv shows–conan, abc

12:58 – Reggie talks about Mysims, My Word Coach, Vision Training, RRR2

12:56 – Mario GALAXXY COMING NOVEMBER 12~~~!!!

12:55 – Mario Galaxy looks awesome!!, absolutely beautiful!!

12:54 – Reggie takes the stage again, shows more Mario Galaxy!!

12:53 – Brain Age 2 is now being shown in the video

12:52 – They’re also talking about Mario Galaxy!!! New footagE!!!

12:52 – Another video showing the Wii being played by a big family.

12:51 – Iwata exits the stage

12:51 – Miyamoto is about to show a new title to show ‘this goal’

12:50 – “Everyone can develop a taste for video games”

12:49 – He wants to ‘break down the walls’ between casual and hardcore, novice and experienced

12:49 – So people should be glad to bring games to casual players

12:48 – Now he’s talking about how casual gamers could eventually become gamers like us

12:47 – He’s talking about how Nintendo won’t abandon trad. gamers, case in point w/ the announcements already

12:45 – He’s listing examples: Nintendogs, Brain Age, Wii Sports

12:44 – Satoru Iwata takes the stage to talk about ‘games for everyone’

12:43 – There’s a lot of marketing footage and Short cut vids

12:43 – A video is shown promoting ‘non-games’ for both Wii/DS

12:42 – Wii Wheel comes w/ Mario Kart!!

12:41 – Mario Kart footage is being shown!! Along with the ‘Wii Wheel’ – an official Nintendo wheel—very cool looking and comfortable

12:40 – MARIO KART FOR WII online!!!! in Q1 of next year!!

12:39 – Dragon Quest Monsters will be online, Guitar Hero III online

12:39 – Madden 08 will be online for Wii,
FIFA 08 Soccer will also have online (w/ Mii characters)

12:38 – but he knows we want more!

12:37 – Reggie’s answer: Pokemon battle, and Mario Strikers Charged will pump it up

12:37 – Will Nintendo ever get serious about ‘Real online gaming”? – nay sayers

12:36 – New Channel Announced! ‘Check Mii Out’.

12:35 – 5.6 Million game downloads for Virtual Console, 112 games

12:34 – 5 1/2 million members on niwifi connection

12:33 – They’re now showing a nintendo wifi promo vid.

12:33 – Demo over. Reggie’s back on stage

12:32 – Hyper Mode is demoed, weapons are very strong, but it can ‘corrupt’ you

12:32 – While locked on, you can aim anywhere around, also 3 sensitivity settings

12:31 – The game looks amazing in motion, ‘lock on, free aiming’

12:30 – Demoing Metroid Prime 3 NOW!!

12:29 – Bill’s favorite Zelda game! Fastest selling Zelda!

12:28 – The hookshot is demoed being used. Pull objects together, and walk tightropes across chasms.

12:28 – The graphics look amazing and the touch controls look very precise

12:27 – Bill Trinen comes to the stage. He’s demoing Phantom Hourglass :)

12:26 – A video is shown about casual gamers playing the Wii

12:25 – Smash Bros. Brawl footage. COMING OUT DEC. 3!!!

12:24 – Mario and Sonic footage is shown for both Wii and DS

12:23 – Square Enix DQ IX coming ‘early next year’

12:23 – Ninja Gaiden DS footage, a great looking action game…held like a book

12:22 – He’s now talking about Soul Cal. Legends and WWE wrestling

12:21 – The Zapper comes this year for $19.99!

12:21 – Medal of Honor for Wii also for the Zapper. 32 soldiers in multiplayer

12:20 – Ghost Squad is CONFIRMED to use the Zapper too!

12:20 – He’s now showing new RE:UC footage with the Zapper


12:18 – They’re now showing those ‘Short Cut’ Films from that contest

12:16 – 3rd party sales are more than half all volume of game sales

12:16 – 60 Wii games now +100 new games; 300 DS games now +140 new games

12:15 – Now he’s kicking some a$$ telling all the ‘wii fad haters’ what the ds has done in the past and what the wii will do in the future. he says wii is on its way to

12:13 – He’s listing age-specific stats now. 1/3 of women age 25-49 play ‘often’

12:11 – Now he’s bringing in the women to the equation, saying that 1/3 of all system sales are from women.

12:10 – Reggie’s now talking about how the 25+ age bracket is growing in overall market share

12:09 – He’s now talking about how the DS is kicking every other system evAR ;)

12:08 – 69% of gaming growth is from Nintendo market

12:07 – He’s now listing some statistics about the growth of gaming/audience expansion in the past year.

12:06 – He’s introing by talking about a ‘coming out party for the gaming industry’

12:05 – Reggie just took the stage

12:03PM – A preview for the show is showing some of the media coverage the DS/Wii have gotten—-very funny “I gots me ONE!!

11:58AM – The Conference is just about to begin…I’m listening to some not so good music :S