Looking for Group – The Fork of Truth Could See A Wii U Release
Looking for Group – The Fork of Truth could release on the Wii U if the stretch goal is met. As of right now on Kickstarter the funding campaign sits at 17% with about $106,000 of the $600K goal raised. This 4 player co-op RPG based on the online comic Looking for Group still has a long way to go but with your help it could hit the Wii U. Check out the Kickstarter video from Blind Ferret and Paladin Studios below and if you like what you see, then head on over to Kickstarter and make a pledge!
July 2, 2013
where do they say anything about wii u?
July 2, 2013
This is from the FAQ section of the Kickstarter page. It can be found near the bottom of the page.
Q: Which platforms can I play it on?
A: Fork of Truth will initially be available on PC, Mac and Linux. We have stretch goals for ports to other platforms – including consoles and tablets.