Mario Maker Will Feature More Than Just Mario Design Elements
Mario Maker producer Takashi Tezuka recently spoke to US Gamer about the creative new title that was announced at E3 last week.
As if the premise of creating your own Mario levels was not enough, Tezuka explained that he’s hoping to include other graphics from beyond the Mario series.
Here’s what he had to say:
Obviously, there will be other graphical styles included. And nothing’s been decided yet, but I’d also like to include other graphics that aren’t Mario… it won’t be top-down, it’s always going to be a 2D platformer.
At the very least, we can expect to see more level design elements and variety than the E3 demo, with more enemy and object types, though Tezuka doesn’t want the palette of options to become overwhelming.
According to Tezuka, the details on level sharing and Miiverse integration are still being worked out, but the good news is that he is mindful of players’ desire to show off their level designs to friends. He’s also hoping to further use Mario Paint as inspiration – you may have noticed the fly swat game in the preview – by including other features, like music composition.
Mario Maker is due for release in 2015. Check out the trailer below and let us know if this is something you’re itching to try yourself.
March 15, 2015
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