Wii: 600,000 (734,000)
PS3: 290,000 (363,000)
Xbox 360: 275,000 (381,000)
PS2: 160,000 (n/a)
DS: 550,000 (609,000)
PSP: 235,000 (282,000)

“We believe that Nintendo has diverted a significant portion of its available supply to Europe since April 2007, as the weakening dollar has made US sales less profitable for the company… We expect the supply situation will begin to improve over the next several months. We expect a surge in supply in the US for Wii Fit’s May 21 launch here, and believe we could see as many as 900,000 Wii units show up at retail this month (May).”

The other week I was in Wal-Mart and spotted about a dozen Wii’s sitting on the shelves. Of course they were gone by the next day.
