The latest update for Miitomo is now available, bringing the app to version 1.4.0.
Changes include a new candy drop game, which allows you to play for game tickets by spending any candy you’ve earned. There’s also a couple of changes to the Miifoto of the day, including an opt-out and an improvement to the quality. There’s also an overall boost to the speed of the app.
Here’s the full list of features that come with this latest update:
- Candy Drop, a game where you drop sweets to get game tickets, has been added.
- Sweets are no longer required to listen to all your friends’ answers.
- You can now choose whether or not to receive the Miifoto of the Day.
- You can now choose individually which friends you receive answers from.
- Image quality of Miifotos you save to your device has been improved.
- Brazilian Portuguese is now supported.
- Other improvements to speed and features have been implemented.
Are you still enjoying Nintendo’s first foray into the mobile app market, or has the novelty worn off? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.