I have played many, many hours of Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii.  I have spent hours grinding to create some awesome custom armor and weaponry.  This is what the Monster Hunter franchise is all about…well besides battling larger than life creatures that want nothing but to bite your head off.  So I was more than pleasantly surprised to find out that Monster Hunter is coming to the Wii U in the form of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate!  Now there were no details, gameplay, screens, trailers, story, characters or much of anything shown off yesterday at the Wii U Preview Event.  All we saw was a logo on a screen.  Hopefully Capcom will be releasing more information regarding the game especially now that we know that the game should be releasing the game in March of 2013!  As gamers we all know how release dates work.  Even though a game has, what seem to be, a solid release date, release dates can always be changed.  So as of right now, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be releasing on the Wii U in March 2013.