Please look forward to joy.

After a flurry of speculation and bogus posts on your various social media channels, Nintendo has confirmed what we’ve all been hoping for—their (somewhat) traditional September Nintendo Direct.

The event will be streamed live at 10am EDT, 7am PDT, on Thursday, September 14th. The times were posted with the statement that the event will feature “… roughly 40 minutes of information focused on Nintendo Switch games releasing this winter.”

We could offer our thoughts on what Switch owners can expect tomorrow, but we all know there’s not much point to that other than the fun of speculation. That, and what I’m hoping for tends to not gel with what the Nintendoverse wants. You want F-Zero and Metroid Prime 4, I want even more Fire Emblem, and a revival of the Trauma Center franchise. There is no right or wrong.

We do know that Super Mario Bros. Wonder got it’s own Direct a couple weeks ago, and that clears up the event’s 40 minute run time to focus other Nintendo and third-party games. So, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Nintendo gamers can each decide exactly what those games will be by visiting at their local time tomorrow.