There’s a lot of those crazy numbers to go through. Most of it is pretty forward and an amazing Neogaf member has done a great job pulling all the information together. I will just go through some of the main points.

Nintendo’s Q3 covers the months October – December. (Holiday Season) Nintendo announced they sold 1.91 million Wii U’s over those months, bringing the lifetime total to 9.2 million. Over that same period the 3DS sold 4.9 million, bringing its lifetime total to 50.1 million.

According to the Wall Street Journal Nintendo is expected to announced a profit of ¥35.52 billion.($301.67 million). That’s the good news. The bad news – Nintendo is expected to lower its yearly revenue forecast to ¥275.54 billion from ¥302.5 billion. According to the number below a lot of the blame falls on lower 3DS sales.

Now to the numbers.

Nintendo Q3 Results:

Net Sales: 271.521¥ billion yen
Operating Income: 31.40¥ billion yen
Net Income: 45.215¥ billion yen

Nintendo Full-Year Guidance:

Net Sales: 550¥ billion yen (↓)
Operating Income: 20¥ billion yen (↓)
Net Income: 30¥ billion yen (↑)

Hardware & Software Guidance for FY15 prior to new forecast:

3DS HW: 12 million
Wii U HW: 3.6 million
3DS SW: 67 million
Wii U SW: 20 million

Hardware & Software Guidance for FY15 with new forecast:

3DS HW: 9 million (↓)
Wii U HW: 3.6 million
3DS SW: 61 million (↓)
Wii U SW: 25 million (↑)

Additional Information Q3 (Software/Hardware Shipments, Digital Sales, Cash & Equivalents):

Pokemon ORAS: 9.35 million
Super Smash Bros 3DS LTD: 6.19 million
Super Smash Bros Wii U LTD: 3.39 million
Mario Kart 8 LTD: 4.77 million
Wii U HW: 1.91 million
3DS HW: 4.99 million
Digital Sales: ¥10.4 billion yen
Cash & Equivalents: ¥920.531 billion yen (↑)

3DS Unit Sales (Unit: Million)

Hardware       Ap-Jn    Jl-Sp    Oc-Dc    Ja-Mr      FY      LTD

FY 2010/11       -        -        -      3.61      3.61     3.61

FY 2011/12     0.71     2.36      8.36    2.10      13.53    17.13       

FY 2012/13     1.86     3.20      7.65    1.24      13.95    31.09

FY 2013/14     1.40     2.49      7.76    0.59      12.24    43.33

FY 2014/15     0.82     1.27      4.99       -      7.08     50.41  

Software       Ap-Jn    Jl-Sp    Oc-Dc    Ja-Mr      FY      LTD

FY 2010/11      -        -         -      9.43      9.43     9.43

FY 2011/12     4.53     3.60     19.91    7.96      36.00    45.42    

FY 2012/13     7.39     11.64    20.53    10.05     49.61    95.03

FY 2013/14     11.01    16.37    29.87    10.64     67.89    162.92

FY 2014/15     8.57     14.73    29.74       -      53.04    215.96

Wii U Unit Sales (Unit: Million)

Hardware       Ap-Jn    Jl-Sp    Oc-Dc    Ja-Mr      FY      LTD

FY 2012/13       -        -      3.06     0.39      3.45     3.45

FY 2013/14     0.16     0.30     1.95      0.31     2.72     6.17

FY 2014/15     0.51     0.61     1.91      -        3.03     9.20  

Software       Ap-Jn    Jl-Sp    Oc-Dc    Ja-Mr      FY      LTD

FY 2012/13       -        -      11.69    1.73      13.42    13.42   

FY 2013/14     1.03     5.27      9.66    2.9       18.86    32.28

FY 2014/15     4.39     5.01     11.19       -      20.59    52.87
