Nintendo FY11/12 – smaller-than-expected losses
This morning Mr. Iwata did the one job that I am sure all CEO’s of major companies hate. Standing in front of your investors and talking money. The good news, Nintendo did better then most predicted. You can check out all types of sales numbers below.
Net sales Operating Ordinary Net Income
Jan forecast 660,000 -45,000 -95,000 -65,000
Actual result 647,652 -37,320 -60,863 -43,204
Yen was depreciated beyond our exchange rates assumptions in terms of the rates at the end of the fiscal year, and assets in foreign currencies evaluated by the exchange rates at the end of the fiscal year generated valuation profit (reversal of valuation loss). Therefore, ordinary loss and net loss became smaller than we had assumed.
Nintendo expects to stop selling the 3DS at a loss by September. The price of the system will remain the same, but manufacturing costs and other aspects will return Nintendo to making a profit on each system sold.
(**) FY 2011/12 Actual (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales 5.1 9.84 13.53
Software Sales 59.0 102.37 36.0
(**)January 26, 2012
(**) FY 2011/12 Revised Forecast (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales 5.5 10.0 14.0
Software Sales 59.0 100.0 38.0
(**)January 26, 2012
(*) Original Forecast (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales 11.0 13.0 16.0
Software Sales 67.0 120.0 62.0
(*)April 25, 2011
DS Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2004/05 – – 2.84 2.42 5.26 5.26
FY 2005/06 1.29 2.19 5.69 2.29 11.46 16.72
FY 2006/07 4.54 5.55 8.79 4.67 23.55 40.27
FY 2007/08 7.00 6.37 11.14 5.81 30.32 70.59
FY 2008/09 6.96 6.78 11.89 5.56 31.19 101.78
FY 2009/10 5.97 5.73 11.65 3.76 27.11 128.89
FY 2010/11 3.15 3.54 9.01 1.82 17.52 146.42
FY 2011/12 1.44 1.14 2.06 0.46 5.10 151.52
NDS Worldwide Software Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2004/05 – – 5.01 5.48 10.49 10.49
FY 2005/06 5.33 7.98 22.59 14.05 49.95 60.44
FY 2006/07 18.35 24.79 50.65 29.75 123.54 183.98
FY 2007/08 34.26 41.23 71.39 38.75 185.63 369.61
FY 2008/09 36.58 48.43 78.77 33.53 197.31 566.92
FY 2009/10 29.09 42.06 50.22 30.22 151.59 718.5
FY 2010/11 22.42 32.42 44.15 21.99 120.98 839.48
FY 2011/12 12.13 16.86 22.21 9.62 60.82 900.31
Wii Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2006/07 – – 3.08 2.76 5.84 5.84
FY 2007/08 3.43 3.90 6.98 4.31 18.62 24.46
FY 2008/09 5.17 4.92 10.42 5.43 25.94 50.4
FY 2009/10 2.23 3.53 11.29 3.48 20.53 70.93
FY 2010/11 3.04 1.93 8.75 1.36 15.08 86.01
FY 2011/12 1.56 1.79 5.61 0.88 9.84 95.85
Wii Worldwide Software Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2006/07 – – 16.37 12.46 28.83 28.83
FY 2007/08 15.98 21.0 47.38 35.25 119.61 148.44
FY 2008/09 40.4 41.0 82.39 40.79 204.58 353.02
FY 2009/10 31.07 45.14 80.43 35.17 191.81 544.83
FY 2010/11 28.17 37.04 85.33 20.72 171.26 716.09
FY 2011/12 13.44 23.01 52.61 13.31 102.37 818.46
3DS Worldwide Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2010/11 – – – 3.61 3.61 3.61
FY 2011/12 0.71 2.36 8.36 2.10 13.53 17.13
Software Sales Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2010/11 – – – 9.43 9.43 9.43
FY 2011/12 4.53 3.60 19.91 7.96 36.00 45.42
FY 2012/13 Nintendo Forecast (Unit:Million)
3DS NDS (Wii +Wii U)
Hardware 18.5 2.5 10.5
Software 73.0 37.0 70.0