Nintendo is environmentally friendly
Nintendo is very concerned with doing our part to help preserve the environment. We’re always researching new products and procedures to make our products and operations as environmental-friendly as possible.
Some things Nintendo is already doing:
In our offices:
– We recycle the paper we use company-wide.
– We limit our use of colored paper, since it’s not easily recycled.
– We purchase recycled paper towels, report covers, message pads, and writing pads.
– We currently recycle more than 70% of the waste that is generated at our headquarters.
– We actively promote the recycling of aluminum cans and glass in our corporate cafeterias.
In our products:
– We use at least 80% recycled paper in all of our shipping packaging.
– We no longer use Styrofoam in our game pak or Game Boy packaging.
– All of our instruction manuals are printed on recycled paper.
– We no longer use plastic Game Pak covers.
– Our clamshell packaging is recyclable and most recycling centers accept it.
– We require that manufacturers not use any banned substances (such as lead, mercury, etc.) in components, nor use them in the manufacturing process for any components used inside of our products. This requirement also extends to suppliers of packaging, marketing materials, and other items used in the marketing and distribution of our products.