Christie Gehring, class of 2002, began her career in the game industry by winning a coveted spot on the Nintendo Street Team. Titled “Win the Ultimate Summer Job,” the contest asked candidates for a two minute audition tape explaining why they deserve to play video games all summer and get paid for it. Thousands applied for the 48 positions nationwide and Christie was chosen as a member of the Seattle Nintendo Street Team. Six years later, she is still in the industry she is passionate about, and is making games for the current generation of consoles. Presently at Liquid Development, Christie is working on the Aliens: Colonial Marines. She recently completed work on Rock Band 2 and Damnation.

I remember wanting to be a part of the Nintendo Street Team in Atlanta around the time the Gamecube came out.  Unfortunately, I was never selected, but for those out there who are serious about working in video games some day; check out your local Nintendo Street Team job openings!  Who knows?  You could be working on a new Mario game some day : )
