SSB Brawl Update: Four Kinds of Control
17 years ago

SSB Brawl Update: Four Kinds of Control

By  • 

The Nintendo Wii really is a versatile piece of hardware. I mean, when it comes to controllers, there are pretty much four different types.

I guess I have no choice …
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Amazing Wii Place holders!!! Star Wars?!?!
17 years ago

Amazing Wii Place holders!!! Star Wars?!?!

By  •  Wii

These where taken from the Hollywood Video site.


Today’s Euro/Aussie VC releases

By  •  Wii


– Adventures of Lolo (NES) – Balloon Fight (NES)

TG16 (Euro only)

– Dead Moon (TG-16)


Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) lists Brawl info
17 years ago

Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) lists Brawl info

This is not Confirmed yet. Even if it comes from an “Official” Nintendo Magazine.

