
DS Selling like Crazy

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Just got the news from VG-Charts that the DS is heads and shoulders above the PSP in worldwide sales. The DS has passed the PSP and hasn’t looked back. …
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Wii Sales at 4 Million Worldwide

By  •  Wii

Wow, the Wii is selling like hotcakes around the world. Looks like the PS3 has more and more space to catch up later on. And the Wii is closing …
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Rumor: New Resident Evil Info

By  •  Wii

There are some more rumors going around about Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii. Here are the details from Gonintendo:

  • Characters can only carry 2 weapons each

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Review: DS-Xtreme

Over Christmas break, I decided to splurge and buy myself a Christmas present. I wanted a DS homebrew card that would serve all the basic functions and then some. My …
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Lots of Boxart

By  •  Wii

Gonintendo has some new official boxarts up on their site. A lot of good titles coming out that’s for sure. Follow the link to check ’em out.

Source: GoNintendo

SSX Blur Trailer/Screens

By  •  Wii

IGN Wii has a new interview up about the new SSX game for Wii. EA Sports Big goes over just how the Wiimote/nunchuk are used. They even have a …
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