PN Featured Artist: Casey Uhelski
This Weeks Pure Nintendo Featured Artist is Casey Uhelski (@Miskiart). A very talented illustrator who uses her inspiration for video games and awesome art skills to create amazing graphic designs. Many of which have appeared on t-shirts that sell for a limited 24 hour period on numerous websites. If your interested in purchasing any of Casey’s t-shirts you can go to her NeatoShop or Links where you can checkout more of Casey’s artwork will be at the bottom of the interview. Enjoy!
KD: How long have you been an illustrator, is it something you’ve always wanted to do for a living?
CU: Like a lot of artist’s I have the typical “been drawing since I could hold a crayon answer. I almost went into marine biology, but ended up in art school. After graduating I got lucky and im doing what I wanted to do most, draw children’s books. Shirt designs ended up being an amazing side gig that I never saw myself doing, but im glad I fell into it.
KD: What inspires you the most when creating artwork?
CU: Other artist’s that I follow. Seeing friends and people I admire doing amazing things makes me want to do the same. It just lights a fire under you. Also, coffee.
KD: What’s your favorite type of artwork to create? Do you dabble in a little bit of everything, or just stick to graphic design?
CU: My major in college was illustration, so that’s my go-to. I think it carries over into my shirt designs and they’re the ones I generally feel most confident about. I love using traditional media whenever I can, but it’s usually just for fun. Though im planning to change that soon.
KD: What is your favorite Nintendo game/series and why?
CU: I really love Earthbound and Mother 3. They’re colorful, cute and bright but delve into strange and unnerving themes with dialogue and story telling that only Mother has. No problem here. And those soundtracks! Majoras Mask is also up there for similar reasons.
KD: How did you get involved with the various t-shirt websites that have featured your creations? Where can our readers purchase some of the clothing designs you’ve created?
CU: I made some fan art of a speedrunner named Cosmo back in early 2013 and it got picked up as my first ever shirt design by The Yetee. I was encouraged to make more designs so I did! I mostly do dailies (shirts on sale for one day only) through The Yetee and I have a few items on there that are up long-term. I sell all ex-daily designs on my Neatoshop.
KD: What’s it like seeing people wearing your personal artwork? Do you have a favorite design out of the bunch?
CU: I hope to someday see a shirt of mine in the wild, but I’d probably be too nervous to say anything if I did. But it makes me feel warm and fuzzy when friends and strangers take the time to send me photo’s or video of themselves wearing something I made. Even the fact that people are paying me to make art still amazes me. My favorite design I’ve done is my Indigo-go shirt.
KD: Thank you for the interview Casey, I love your art style! Are there any upcoming designs or artwork you’d like to tell us about, where can our readers see more of your art or contact you if they have questions?
CU: Thanks so much! I’m glad to be back into shirt making after a bit of a hiatus. I’ve got two creepy themed Zelda and Pokémon shirts coming out that I’m really excited about. The best way to follow me and keep up with shirt releases and art posts is definitely Twitter (@miskiart). I also have an artist Tumblr ( NeatoShop:
Any artist interested in having their artwork on or in PNM can contact me at Submit fan art, sculptures, baked goods, comics, etc. If the theme is ‘Nintendo’ we want to see it! You could be the next Pure Nintendo featured artist! Also to see artwork from artists featured in our magazine, PNM, please head to to subscribe! Thanks for reading.
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